Friday, July 9, 2010

Squeeeeezy week

just another update.
Past week from monday was effing packed. only went to school w/o books as we didnt know our timetable yet. ended up stoning in school for 8hours... totally a waste of time. Monday was hell.
Then came tournament on tuesday. played against College east's 2nd team and College central's 2nd team. won against east's 1st singles but line up went wrong so we lost to them 3-2 instead, then we won against central's 5-0
Wednesday was much better compared to monday. at least our books were there. but somehow i felt lost during the lessons. really nothing. the only good thing there was was the allocation of personal lockers to us. that made me say cool for once
Thursday we played against east's 1st team for the semi-finals. unfortunately brought our lost from 2-0 to 3-0 then we were out. however i am not gonna let them down next year.
Friday was literally full of slacking and walking. i mean seriously wtf are we doing at all? NOTHING and this is how ite students study right. sit in rooms and have our own conversations while the teacher just pretends he doing such a great job. seriously fuck off if you dont want to teach us. its bullshit that they themselves keep saying we are so great at being in ITE but they themselves dont think so. they just are afraid that we realise that we are being regarded as failures by them. tell you what. some of them alreadly do regard us as failures. and we do regard you as failures in teachings too with that miniature brain of yours.